A Single Strike

Contemplate winning all your victories with only one strike….  The clear answer to all things is practice and more practice.

-  Miyamoto Musashi

The Way of Strategy

There is no Way that can be approached and petitioned for immediate gratification.  The Universe does not work that way….  Each aspect of the craft must be examined over and over again without regard for time and energy spent, whether physically or mentally.  The “spirit of the thing” is what will guide a man to his own greatness.

-  Miyamoto Musashi

Resolve Yourself to Victory

You first beat the enemy with your spirit, and then you beat the enemy with your hands or your sword.  Stretch out your body and your spirit.  Go for the kill with utter resolve and commitment.

-  Miyamoto Musashi

Look Within

If you wish to control others, you must first control yourself.

-  Miyamoto Musashi

True Understanding

The only way you can understand the truth about killing an enemy in combat is by killing an enemy in combat.  You must train constantly with the attitude of killing the enemy.

-  Miyamoto Musashi